I met Jill a few years ago when I first came to Denver.  She is also a photographer and a great friend who has been so wonderful in helping me get the lay of the land both geographically as well as photographically.  Coming to Denver from Seattle I had to scope out new outdoor locations as well as options for indoor shooting. In Seattle, rain or shine I went out ready to go with a trusty rain cover for my camera!  Here in Denver it was a whole new ball game with SO much for more sun and well…when it snows, it snows big! It may all melt the next day, but I needed some studio options just in case. For this session, we went to the Denver Photo Collective.  Jill and her family wanted something a little different and didn’t want to have to reschedule if the weather turned questionable in March, which it often does. The DPC is a beautiful natural light studio in Lakewood, just outside of  downtown Denver. It is large with several options for creative photography.  I love working there and get excited when any of my clients are interested in that option for their photography sessions. And, yes the day of the this session…it did snow. I’m glad they chose the studio! This beautiful family of 4 was just getting ready to send their daughter out on a 2 year mission to Paraguay for their church and they wanted to get some family pictures done before they sent her off.  Enjoy a little sample of our time together! 

I also added a few images of the studio itself which has several backdrops available.  I’m looking forward to bringing more families and seniors there this year!


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